
Sunday, February 20, 2011

Sob Story

Tears are all too often given the shaft. In the past, if I were to think about tears I would envision crying. Then I would think about being hurt, sad, unwanted, used, injured and everything else negative. However, I am beginning to see a whole new side to these mascara running, eye puffing creatures. Lately, tears have been pouring out of my eyes at record amounts. Why have I been boo hooing around the clock these days? I have no earthly clue. This definitely turned my thinking cap on.  Why do we tie such a negative connotation to tears?  I have been treating tears as my enemy my whole life, but I think its time I cut them some slack.

Did you know that even when you are not crying, tears flow from your lacrimal glands with every blink, moistening your eyes. This moisture helps to maintain healthy vision. Tears clear your eyes of debris and allow light to enter your eyes so you can see.

How interesting is that?? Tears make it possible for us to see, they wash us clean of distractions. In my past, holding back my tears may have kept me from seeing the light. I think it might be about time we take a stand for our watery friends! Yea they may puff my eyes up to the size of a peach and turn them as red as tomatoes, but that's only one side of their story.
Is the problem that we are facing holding back our tears? Maybe, just maybe, if we gave a little more respect to our cryin' eyes we would have a much better view of the world. . .
We need tears. So stop holding yourself back and let 'em flow!

"Those who sow in tears shall reap with joyful shouting."
Psalm 126:5
Are tears the secret to life?

Have a blessed week!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Don't try this alone

So, I am sitting in my room alone on a Saturday night. My friends are all out gallivanting with their Valentines having early celebrations of the wonderful day of love, romance, and mushy gushy sweetness. I started to work on a study guide for a test but I couldn't concentrate. You would think that this would be the perfect time to get some studying done in this house, which is usually filled with noise that can be heard all the way in China . . ok ok I'm guilty, that noise usually is coming from me. Anyway, I can't really get a thing done. Besides not being able to get the burning craving I am having for a Sonic Blast out of my mind, I just wish I had a friend here right now to talk about Jesus with.

Maybe the reason my lamp of faith has had its shade on recently is because I don't have anyone around me who has challenged me to reveal it. As Christians, we need to surround ourselves with others who believe and want the same things in life as we do. How can I grow in my walk with God if I am trying to do it alone? I don't do anything alone, the only reason I haven't gone out to get that Sonic Blast tonight is because I would have to endure the 2 minute drive there by myself. So, why in the world would I try to do this whole Christian thing by myself? Jesus is meant to be shared.

Since I have been on the geek train tonight,  I'll explain it this way: Say you are studying for a test or working on a project. Would it not make more sense to grab a classmate and say, "Hey, let's put our notes and our brains together." This way, you both have more knowledge, materials, and resources to be successful. Plus, studying with a friend is soooooooo much more enjoyable than being cooped up in a room all by your lonesome.

I have finally gotten it drilled through my heart that, its not possible to be a Christian by yourself. We need community and support and we need to be challenged by other followers. If the spirit and joy of the Lord is so strong and contagious, how and  why would anyone want to keep that to themselves? From the very beginning God said that is is not good for man to be alone. Let's rally together people! There is strength in numbers!

Is a Christian Community the secret to life?

In the spirit of Valentines Day here is a video of one of my favorite songs.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Orange You Glad I Didn't Say. . .

The banana is what I like to call the universal fruit. I mean seriously name one other fruit that has this many uses. Bananas can be put in cereal, on a sandwich, in pudding, made into bread, frozen into a chocolaty treat, dipped in peanut butter, and even put to rest muscle cramps. Yea, I am pretty sure I would rather not eat cantaloupe bread, make a peanut butter and orange sandwich, and eat a frozen chocolate covered watermelon. It seems like the banana has it going on. Should we go ahead update our medical books to "A banana a day keeps the doctor away?" Maybe. Let's find out.
Have you ever looked at the shape of a banana? I mean really looked at it, turned it sideways, upside down, and backwards to see all dimensions of this mega fruit? I'm only asking because well, I have. A banana at different angles resembles a moon, rainbow, smile, telephone, mountain, bridge and much more. Remember when you were a little kid and you would rather play with the kitchen pots and pans than your $150 doll house? Have you ever wondered why? It's because of the ability to use your imagination and turn the pot into whatever you want! It could be a drum, a hat, or a kettle filled with witches brew! It is the transformation of the pot that kept you so interested and intrigued after hours of continuous, loud, and annoying pot banging.
So, why would I think that a banana is the secret to life? Because of its ability to metemorphosize into so many things.
I believe a huge part of our population has a beef with change and transforming as the world turns. I personally could live without change sometimes. I like to stay at ease in my comfort zone.  But God doesn't call us to sit around and be comfortable does he? NO! To be a strong faithful christian we must take a step toward the unknown, take risks, and adapt! In Romans 12:2 the bible says:
And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.

 I have been struggling with the whole idea of growing up lately. It seriously freaks-me-out! In a year and a half I will be a college graduate aka and adult! I am not sure if I am prepared to deal with that! But, you don't see a banana jumping out of its peel at the thought of being put into a recipe for bread. However, you do taste the the richness that is created as a product of this change. Mhhmmmm Mhhmmmm!
 So, is the issue at hand transformation? Am I seeking to stay close to a God in an evolving world while I refuse to move?
So maybe we should all go bananas. . .
Are bananas the secret to life?